Piano Soundboard is a small yet very active Facebook community of pianists and musicians, which takes over from “The Piano Cloud”.

Along with the usual daily activities, with the priceless effort of Simon Reich, Piano Soundboard organizes composition / improvisation challenges – which I consider more a challenge against myself rather than a challenge against the other fellow members; this stimulates curiosity, creativity, and lets you go beyond your comfort zone.

Based on an idea by Ron Barwick, in this challenge members were asked to submit tracks that only used a 6 notes sequence : E (above middle C)- C (octave above middle C), B, A , F#, D (all in the octave above middle C).
Despite everyone starting with the same sequence, the results were so amazingly different.
You can judge for yourselves listening to the resulting playlist: 14 musicians from all over the world, 14 different elaborations…